Business demography

Number of companies registerded for VAT

  • Registered for VAT

Information about data

The figures presented concern all entities that are registerded for VAT purposes, irrespective of their legal status, with the exception of associations and self-employed workers.

Indicator definition :

  • Registered for VAT : Set of registered for VAT entities

Sources :

Incoporations and dissolutions

  • VAT deregistrations
  • VAT registrations
  • Net balance

Information about data

The figures presented concern all entities that are registerded for VAT purposes, irrespective of their legal status, with the exception of associations and self-employed workers.

Indicator definition :

  • VAT deregistrations : Entities that are not listed on the VAT register on the 31st of December of the chosen year, while they were listed on the 31st of December the year before. These may be registered entities that have permanently put an end to their business, or not. These entities have merely been deregistered during the intervening year.
  • VAT registrations : Entities that are listed on the VAT register on the 31st of December of the chosen year, while they were not listed on the 31st of December the year before. These may, or may not, be new registrations.
  • Net balance : Balance between registrations and deregistrations during the chosen year

Sources :

Number of companies established in the area

  • Companies

Information about data

The figures presented concern entities that are registerded for VAT purposes and which publish their accounts at the Belgian National Bank, irrespective of their legal status, with the exception of associations and self-employed workers. “Established companies” refers to companies whose headquarters is located in the selected geographical area (Walloon region, province, district). One company can possess several different NACE codes. As a result, the sum of the numbers obtained independently for each part of its activities can be higher than the total amount when all activities are taken together.

Indicator definition :

  • Companies : Established, active companies filing annual accounts with the National Bank of Belgium

Sources :

Distribution of companies by firm size

  • Large companies
  • Medium-sized companies
  • Small-sized companies

Information about data

The figures presented concern companies established in the selected geographical area (Walloon region, province, district) which, in an appendix to their accounts, provide an indication of the number of people they employed during the year in question. “Established companies” refers to companies whose headquarters is located in the selected geographical area. One company can possess several different NACE codes. As a result, the sum of the numbers obtained independently for each part of its activities can be higher than the total amount when all activities are taken together.

Indicator definition :

  • Large companies : Companies employing 100 people and more
  • Medium-sized companies : Companies employing from 20 to 99 people
  • Small-sized companies : Companies employing from 1 to 19 people

Sources :


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